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About Us

Family & Friends Homeless Veteran Program is an IRS 501(C)(3) non-profit organization which currently operates a transitional housing program in partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs under a Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program since 2009. Our two transitional homes are located in Joliet housing up to 14 homeless veterans.  We also have a permanent group home; housing 5 veterans within in the city of Joliet. 
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Our transitional homes are designed to provide a supportive service that leads to individual stability, self-determination, self-sufficiency, and family reintegration. In our apartment style housing, participants re-learn skills necessary for independent living and family integration when they move into permanent housing.  Working with the Department of Veteran Affair  and other homelessness prevention services and intervention networks.  Family & Friends Veteran Program provides a comprehensive and seamless continuum of services and care to homeless veterans in Joliet, Illinois.

Family & Friends was borne out of passion for the homeless and veterans. We assist homeless veterans to return to normal lives and become as self-sufficient and independent as possible.   Upon exit from the program continue to provide services including placement in permanent housing to ensure their sustained independence, self-sufficiency, sense of community, and pride.

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